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Wide Grip Lat Pull Down


Gym Equipment Needed

Musle Group



Perform the Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with the Lat pulldown machine, Adjustable seat or bench and Wide-grip attachment or bar

Starting Position

Grasp the wide-grip attachment or bar with your palms facing away from you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, Sit with an upright posture and engage your core muscles.


Master the proper technique for the Wide Grip Lat Pulldown to optimize your results. Follow these steps:

  1. Adjust the seat or bench height so that your thighs are firmly positioned under the thigh pads.
  2. Grasp the wide-grip attachment or bar with your palms facing away from you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Sit with an upright posture and engage your core muscles.
  4. Start with your arms fully extended, and slowly pull the bar down towards your upper chest, leading with your elbows.
  5. Squeeze your back muscles at the bottom of the movement, and pause briefly to maximize muscle activation.
  6. Control the bar as you slowly release it back up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

The Wide Grip Lat Pulldown primarily targets the following muscle groups:

  • Latissimus dorsi (Lats)
  • Upper back (Rhomboids and Trapezius)
  • Biceps (to a lesser extent)

Tips on doing this exercise

Maximize the effectiveness of your Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with these tips:

  1. Focus on initiating the movement from your back muscles rather than relying solely on your arms.
  2. Maintain a slight lean back, but avoid excessive swinging or using momentum to complete the exercise.
  3. Use a controlled tempo, emphasizing the eccentric (lowering) phase for maximum muscle activation.

Common Mistakes

Ensure safe and effective execution of the Wide Grip Lat Pulldown by avoiding these common mistakes:

  1. Using excessive weight that compromises your form and leads to pulling from your lower back.
  2. Relying too much on your biceps to perform the movement. Instead, engage your back muscles to initiate the pull.
  3. Allowing your shoulders to hunch or your back to round forward during the exercise. Maintain an upright and stable position.

Recommended Ranges
  • Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth): Aim for 8-12 repetitions per set, 3-4 sets.
  • Strength Development: Aim for 4-6 repetitions per set, 3-4 sets.

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